We interviewed celebrity and humanitarian photographer, Jeremy Cowart, with a few questions about his experience entering the world of NFTs and photography, his first sold-out NFT collection, and his adaptation of combining these various mediums. Check out his thoughts below and view his newest piece on Portion!

Hi Jeremy! Can you please tell us a bit about yourself and expand on your journey of becoming an abstract painter, graphic designer and photographer?

Sure, I think I’m just professionally a.d.d. with a strong dose of curiosity. I started out as a painter but I think my parents were afraid of me making a living so they told me about graphic design. That started my journey into digital art and I became a graphic designer and then a web designer but then digital cameras came out and I started shooting for fun, eventually falling in love with it. I started shooting portraits of my friends, then photographing them for record labels. Later on, I landed an agent in Hollywood and she helped land a ton of celebrity gigs and that became my career for a good 10-15 years. But now I’m returning to my roots and kind of mixing it ALL together as a NFT artist.

We're so happy to hear you're adventuring into the world of NFTs! What is the most interesting aspect of an NFT for you and where do you see it evolving?

To me, it’s an idea industry. I love ideas and I love hearing and seeing all the ideas that are being poured into this industry everyday. From DAOs to PFPs to 1/1s to discord servers, it’s all just so interesting. I see it evolving into everything we do and touch. I can’t wait to see society continue to adopt it all.

Block Queens - Nur

Your efforts in this industry definitely don't go unrecognized. A huge congratulations to you on selling out your first NFT series, “Block Queens!” What has your entry into the NFT space been like since the drop in February? Has it encouraged you to create more NFTs?

I’m obsessed with this industry. It’s all I do now. I have MANY projects dropping in 2022, some are 1/1s and others get much bigger. I’ve never been more energized as an artist. It’s a new era for sure and I couldn’t be more grateful. This is the future and I’m so glad we’re all at the forefront.

In terms of celebrity photography, you have a plethora of experience! From Taylor Swift, Barack Obama, Blake Shelton, and more, who was the first celebrity you ever worked with, and who was your favorite? Do you have any cherished memories with them?

She’s not a celebrity but I did a super memorable shoot with an artist named Imogen Heap in Iceland and it’s always been one of my favorites. That place is like a video game. It was incredible to photograph. I just recently did a massive shoot with Carrie Underwood and she’s always a blast to work with.

Moon Flowers

We need a moment to showcase this beautiful piece, “Moon Flowers,” on Portion. Can you please tell us more about the creative process, as well as meaning and inspiration behind it? How did the idea come about?

It’s my friend Erin Moon and she has flowers draped all around her haha. That’s where the name came from. But it’s a pretty crazy process. I photographed her with a bunch of different lighting setups simultaneously. Then I collaged it all together in post to create this piece.

Within creating these gorgeous peices, what tools, lens and software do you use? How long does it take you to craft a piece? Do you usually start with a clear vision, or does a piece take shape as you work?

I shoot with a Canon R5 and a 24-70 2.8mm lens and I use Capture One Pro to edit and tether the shoot and Photoshop to retouch.

How do you see photography and the NFT community coming together? Where do they align best?

There’s an aligned energy I’m seeing. We all see the potential in what’s coming and we all get to show off who we are as artists. We no longer have to rely on client calls. It’s very freeing to think about. Where was this industry a decade ago?? I’m just glad it’s finally arrived.

Lastly, do you have any photographers in the NFT space who inspire you? If so, what inspires you about their work or technique?

So many. My friend Joey L is a legend in the making. I love Drift’s story and his work. I’m really into everything Justin Aversano and Kris Graves are doing with Quantum Art. There’s a long list. I’m constantly inspired by the community.

Don't forget to check out Jeremy Cowart's NFT on Portion!

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